Bruh Corp's disdaining recognition of ignominy
SpaceX Mars Program

With ultimate goal of making humans extraterrestrial colonizers, SpaceX has looked light-years into their hallucinations; high on crayons and glitter, doing the right thing of allocating $10 Trilion for making mars habitable for a handful of people who can afford to shove a bottle of Avenue Foch up their bottoms. Well Earth is doomed.. or maybe slightly riddled with issues. Why bother fixing it?

OceanGate's Titan

A submersible made to explore the depths of the 95% of unexplored ocean, mankind's stubborn inquisitiveness knows no bounds, until it hits one; Catastrophically that is. Safety measures at OceanGate are adjusted to an uncertainty of nothing, despite being severely imperiled in previous expeditions, OceanGate continued with 2023's Titanic expedition. Trust put under a hanging noose, the Titan imploded under immense pressure taking lives of all 5 on board, killing its inventor as well.


coming soon.
